In a rather grim moment recently, Senator Whitehouse had a meltdown on Twitter (of all places) about the Biden administration’s seeming indifference to climate change. Apparently, he believes that it is unlikely that Team Biden is prepared to fight the greatest threat we face (other than, or perhaps in...
On November 15, after months of political maneuvering, President Joe Biden signed legislation that was billed as a monumental investment in America’s infrastructure. Other than his signature, however, most of the credit for its passage belongs to the other Joe we’ve heard a lot about lately, Senator Joe Manchin...
(Editor’s Note: As we went about putting this issue of SHALE Magazine together, the Texas Railroad Commission had just finished a month-long process during which it considered and rejected proposals to limit production in Texas through its power of prorationing. Because it became such a controversial issue, I felt...
Anticipated geopolitics between the U.S.,Russia, Iran, and China in 2023
Introduction to Present-Day Geopolitics Geopolitics has played a large role in creating the bear market and economic slowdown in 2022. These unfortunate conditions will continue into 2023, or at least until major changes occur. Investors should remain cautious and conservative heading into the New Year. There is a structural imbalance in...
IRA and renewables
Incentives Given by the IRA As companies shift their focus to sustainability and ESG initiatives, the oil and gas industry is investing in a long-term future that goes beyond their reliance on fossil fuels. The world is beginning to transition towards renewables and other lower-carbon alternatives. Government incentives, like the...
Making Strides in High-Efficiency Power Generation With the STEP 10 MWe Pilot Project
Construction has been completed on the building where breakthrough supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) technology for clean, compact, and high-efficiency power generation will be demonstrated. The transformational technology dramatically improves environmental performance, economics, and operational flexibility, and it is much more compact than conventional steam power cycle technology. Located on Southwest...
Russian Oil
As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to evolve, members of the G7 Summit in Elmau agreed to place a price cap on Russian oil exports of $60 per barrel. This price cap contained a twofold goal of restricting Russia’s oil revenue while maintaining the global oil supply. While the...
We are still a long way from Nov. 2020, but if one of the Democrat candidates wins the election you are going to need more than President Carter’s cardigan to keep warm. The candidates’ positions on energy and the environment are changing faster than the weather. Of course, Sen. Bernie...
Tom Wolf’s Bullying of Natural Gas Harms All Pennsylvanians
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, during his first term, put on as much of a happy face as the man could muster with respect to natural gas, knowing so much of the Keystone State economy depended on it. Reelection in 2018, though, freed Wolf to be the man he really...
Some Reasons for Optimism at the End of a Troubling Year
One would have to dig deep to find a year that has been more difficult for the U.S. oil and gas industry than 2020, an effort likely to end up being futile. As dark as this year has been, however, a quick look back at recent history shows that...