In these fast-changing and uncertain times, we view it essential to continue to share energy information you can trust.
Our experts and contributors value the trust and support our SHALE readers give us to be your source for honest energy news. We know that while the world is at a...
A Strong Employer Brand and Values Alignment Are Key To Attracting Millenials
Dr. Harold Hardaway and Shannon Hernandez - 0
As the digital revolution continues and boomers in the energy sector prepare to retire, the race to stay ahead of your competitors in the war for talent has never been more heated. Where recruiting top talent is already seen as a challenge, utility companies can find themselves fighting against...
Oil & Gas & COVID-19 Hit Hard, Consider All Options Before Layoffs
Annette Idalski and Brian Smith - 0
Oil and Gas & COVID-19 Hit Hard
With the onset of COVID-19 and the resulting general-economic shutdown that is affecting much of the country, it is a challenging time to stay in business. But, the oil and gas industry has been hit particularly hard. In order to survive, oil and...
Tom Pyle and IER: Punching Above Their Weight for Energy
When a person hears the term “think tank,” the mind naturally turns to politically-oriented entities like the Brookings Institute, the Cato Institute, Harvard University’s Kennedy Center and the Hoover Institute at Stanford. Those institutions and many others formulate policy positions...
Coiled Tubing Drilling Offers Rising Opportunities for Oil and Gas Recovery Worldwide
Ikenna Idam - 0
In 2019, the Coiled Tubing Drilling (CTD) market was valued at more than $3 billion, with well intervention services accounting for more than 60% of the market in North America and Europe. In the Middle East and Africa, oil and gas companies are investing in well intervention to increase...
Bakken Shale – North Dakota/MontanaThe May 15 Bakken rig count stood at 17, down from 52 in early March.During its May 11 earnings call, big Bakken pioneer Continental Resources told investors that it was cutting its May production levels by 70% due to depressed prices and low demand.Hess Corp....
Public Policies Weighed as Industry Navigates Uncharted Waters
Jack Belcher and Brent Greenfield - 0
The events of the last several months have been unprecedented. A global pandemic and oil price war unfolding at precisely the same time.
Rewind to 2019. Production was at an all-time high in the United States, but signs of a weakening global economy and demand and looming downward pressure on...
The Texas Railroad Commission on April 14, 2020, had a hearing on prorationing. As of writing this article, no decision had been issued by the commission. For those who are very interested in this topic, I encourage you to go to the commissions’ website and watch the hearing and...
(Editor’s Note: As we went about putting this issue of SHALE Magazine together, the Texas Railroad Commission had just finished a month-long process during which it considered and rejected proposals to limit production in Texas through its power of prorationing. Because it became such a controversial issue, I felt...
In light of Saudi Arabia’s and Russia’s current attempts, as well as those of their corporate and government-sponsored accomplices, to kill the American oil and gas industry, it’s important for Americans to be reminded of — or be told about for the first time — what their home-grown energy...