SHALE Magazine · ITOP Episode 294 - Brent Bennett - TPPF 6 - 6-21
Listen in as your host Kym Bolado speaks with Brent Bennett.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 293 - David Jenkins - CRS 5 - 30 - 21
Listen in as Kym Bolado and co-host David Blackmon talk with Dave Jenkins, President of Conservatives for Responsible Stewardship about how conservation affects the oil, gas and energy industry.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 292 - Jesse Mercer And Mike Howard - 5 - 23 - 21
Listen in as host Kym Bolado and co-host David Blackmon get into what happened during the resent ransom wear attack on Colonial Pipeline with guests Jesse Mercer of Enverus and Mike...
SHALE Magazine · ITOP -Episode 291 - Matt Harrison - Wellaware 5 - 16 - 21
Listne in as Kym Bolado and co-host David Blackmon talk with Matt Harrison, CEO of WellAware about how technology is helping the oil, gas and energy industry and where it'll go from here.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP Episode 284 - LIVE - Jason Modglin - TAEP 3 - 21 - 21 Podcast
Listen in while your host Kym Bolado speaks with Jason Modglin.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP Episode 283 - Jim Wright - TX Railroad Commissioner 3 - 21 - 21 Podcast
Listen in as your host Kym Bolado speaks with Texas Railroad Commissioner Jim Wright
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 282 - Dan Naatz - IPAA 3 - 7-21 Podcast
Listen in as your host Kym Bolado speaks with Dan Naatz, Senior VP with the Independent Petroleum Association of America about how this past year has impacted the IPAA and where we go from...
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 281 - LIVE Christi Craddick And Jason Moglin 2 - 21 - 20
Listen in as your host Kym Bolado and co-host David Blackmon speak with Texas Railroad Commissioner Christi Craddick and Jason Modglin, president of The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 280 - Dr. Ian Palmer Pt 2 2 - 14 - 21
Listen in as host Kym Bolado Speaks with Dr. Ian Paler.
SHALE Magazine · ITOP Episode 279 - Dr. Ian Paler - Author "Shale Controversy" Pt 1 2 -7 - 21
Listen in as host Kym Bolado Speaks with Dr. Ian Paler.