Energy Density Trumps Climate Policy
Energy Density Trumps Climate Policy Fossil fuels are winning in consumer-driven, taxpayer-friendly energy markets, clouding political attempts to control greenhouse gas emissions associated with natural gas, coal and oil. Despite governmental policies to shift grid electricity to wind and solar, and to jump-start electric vehicle markets, it is still a...
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For the first time in over five decades, natural gas has surpassed coal as the United States’ leading fuel source for electricity generation. Much like the shale gas revolution that prompted it, this historical change has not happened overnight. This momentous turning point has also led to a massive...
Playing Political Games with Oil Pressure
North Dakota oil and gas producers have faced many hurdles from politicians and activists united by the goal to “keep it in the ground,” and recent actions in Washington state pose the latest, and highest, hurdle to date. Governor Jay Inslee, an announced Democrat presidential candidate with a $9...
LA set to end fossil fuel production
As part of its climate strategy, Los Angeles agrees to curb, and eventually end, its fossil fuel production. California is seen as a leader in renewables. However, it continues to have a high oil and gas output, supplying energy to the rest of the country. Finally, California, LA in...
SHALE Featured Website Nov Dec 2018 Porter Renewable Energy Subsidies
A growing healthy economy needs cheap and abundant energy to fuel growth. That is why you hear people say they are in favor of an all-of-the-above energy policy. We need all the energy we can get from which ever source we can get it. The market will sort out...
The Future of OPEC+

The Future of OPEC+

The UAE’s decision to play hardball at the most recent OPEC ministerial and OPEC+ meetings in early December was based on three factors. First, it believes that amongst the winners and losers of the OPEC+ deal first agreed in April, it belongs firmly in the latter category, given that...
What is green on the outside and red on the inside? Two things immediately spring to mind — watermelons and environmentalists. I have nothing against watermelons. In fact, there are few things that taste better on a hot summer day than a cold watermelon. As for the environmentalists, I...
In early January 2011, I took office as Texas’s newest Railroad Commissioner. From that vantage point, it appeared the industry’s major problem was a lack of production to meet demands for oil and gas, in large part sparked by the hostility of the Obama administration towards fossil fuels. The...
Colorado Oil 2018
There is no question Colorado’s upcoming election cycle is going to be a doozy — headlined by the gubernatorial race between Democratic nominee, U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, and the Republican nominee, State Treasurer Walker Stapleton. Certainly, energy issues are primed to be front and center up and down the...
Despite Biden’s highly-touted trip to Saudi Arabia just last month, leaders of the oil-rich nation are already proposing cuts in production to stabilize global supply and demand. Biden made the trip to secure a boost in production and the Whitehouse made a show of highlighting what they deemed as...