Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for September 27, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:


Fracking says “You’re welcome, Texas!”: Dallas Fed Reports Oil and Gas Employment Up 

Because profits. Simple.: Why Investors Are Rushing To Develop Sand Mining Projects

Cool.: Filter cleans 90% of pollution from fracking water 

Highs are good.: Brent oil eases but remains in sight of 2015 highs 

Well, yeah, it can. #GodBlessTexas.: Can a ‘Super Basin’ in Texas eclipse the Ghawar?

Good idea.: U.S. energy secretary asks oil industry to study carbon capture technology 

#Resilience: President of state’s oil and gas association says industry on path to recover after hurricane 

Jobs, jobs, jobs.: In-demand career roles support energy industry  via @HoustonChron

mmmmmm….maybe a little.: Crude by rail could hamper future U.S. pipeline investments, study says  @houstonchron

Interesting.: Refinery demand, not OPEC, is the key to keeping oil prices above $50 a barrel, analysts say 

Well, he’s right. Millions of lives.: Perry tells climate hecklers that fossil fuels save lives  via @bpolitics

“Watchdogs”. Sheesh.: Watchdogs Take Global-Warming Message to Texas Cities 

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas


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