The theme for this issue is the outlook for the oil-and-gas industry in 2021. That is an impossible task, even under the best of circumstances. But when you add a little pandemic and a lot of political uncertainty, given the express animosity towards the new industry from the new...
Biosurfactants: The ESG-Friendly Technology Reviving Shale Profitability and Production
Shale is a big part of the U.S. energy industry supplying more than 63% of gross domestic oil and gas production, but it’s getting hit hard. Drilling new wells to offset steep production declines is difficult in the current capital-constrained environment. Current lower oil prices and decreased demand have...
“Feeling Great in 15 Minutes – The CliffsNotes Version”
What Are Cognitive Distortions Anyway? What are cognitive distortions and why might you be interested in them? The term cognitive may sound pretty intimidating or overly intellectual, but it has a simple meaning. Cognition is just a fancy word for a thought. It’s the way you think about what’s happening....
Eating Well in the New Year
At this time of the year, many become diet conscious and look for healthier foods. Of course, part of a better approach is moderation in quantity. And Julia Child’s advice to keep moderation in moderation is classic. I offer two recipes that are moderately caloric yet delicious and, as...
Can the Oil Industry Avoid Drilling Itself out of Prosperity For Once?
The year 2020 has come to a merciful end, and praise the Lord and pass the pancakes for that bit of good news. When the publisher of SHALE Magazine and host of In the Oil Patch radio show, Kym Bolado, asked me during one of our December shows if the...
Staying Fit From Home
Due to COVID-19, everyone is challenged to figure out their own way to stay fit without having access to a gym. The best tip for staying consistent with no gym access is having a set time each day to get your workout done. This keeps you on schedule and...
The Future of OPEC+

The Future of OPEC+

The UAE’s decision to play hardball at the most recent OPEC ministerial and OPEC+ meetings in early December was based on three factors. First, it believes that amongst the winners and losers of the OPEC+ deal first agreed in April, it belongs firmly in the latter category, given that...
Why Natural Gas is the “Greenest” Energy of Them All
What exactly does “green energy” mean? Is it the amount of emissions involved? If so, are we talking about emissions connected with energy generation, energy distribution or energy equipment manufacturing?Or, is it about the amount of land consumed and the degree of disturbance? If so, are we including the...
Some Reasons for Optimism at the End of a Troubling Year
One would have to dig deep to find a year that has been more difficult for the U.S. oil and gas industry than 2020, an effort likely to end up being futile. As dark as this year has been, however, a quick look back at recent history shows that...
Protecting Against Overtime Lawsuits During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 has the potential to create a variety of wage and hour complications and may put employers at risk for violations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This is especially true for oil and gas companies, given the industry’s unique reliance upon both skilled field workers and knowledgeable...