Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for June 15, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:

Magic 8-Ball says “very likely”: Will American shale drillers crush their own rally? 

Yyyyyyyyep.: As oil tanks, Saudi Arabia’s next effort to boost prices may be targeting US oil inventory data 

Because OPEC isn’t the swing producer anymore.: Oil hits six-week low as OPEC fails to curb oversupply 

That moment when you just want to say ‘ugh’.: Oil cheapest since before November OPEC deal  via @HoustonChron

*sigh* An Obama appointee, of course.: Judge: Dakota Access Pipeline needs further environmental review 

On the move.: Noble Energy to relocate 100 employees from Denver; Greeley may gain some

#Innovation: Seeking Ways To Produce More Oil by Doing Better Fluid Imaging 

Shhhhh…don’t tell all the #Climatefrauds…: Fracking and Natural Gas Are America’s Energy Future US News 

#ClimateFraud nonsense of the week.  Wind farms a vastly greater threat.: Experts: Keystone XL pipeline power lines will hurt cranes 

Oooopsie.: Texas city council rejects El Paso Electric proposed rate hike, solar fees  via @UtilityDive

@SierraClub hates this.: Solar & Wind Will Provide Only 2.9% Of World’s Energy By 2040 [GRAPH]  via @dailycaller

Permantly would be better.: EPA wants to halt fracking rules by two years, instead of 90 days  via @dcexaminer

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas.


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