Tom Pyle
Tom Pyle and IER: Punching Above Their Weight for Energy When a person hears the term “think tank,” the mind naturally turns to politically-oriented entities like the Brookings Institute, the Cato Institute, Harvard University’s Kennedy Center and the Hoover Institute at Stanford. Those institutions and many others formulate policy positions...
Oil & Gas & COVID-19
Oil and Gas & COVID-19 Hit Hard With the onset of COVID-19 and the resulting general-economic shutdown that is affecting much of the country, it is a challenging time to stay in business. But, the oil and gas industry has been hit particularly hard. In order to survive, oil and...
Tips to Staying Happy and Healthy in Uncertain Times
The Status Quo We’ve all had to find a way to make the homefront a comfy haven during this time of crisis. Many of us have morphed our homes into business offices, classrooms, makeshift gyms and family reunion venues. While channeling our inner Martha Stewart, we are bombarded with pandemic...
Mental Health: How to build emotional resilience during a pandemic
“Stay calm” — Oh dear! This phrase has been done to death, and especially in the current times, staying calm alone is not enough. So, what does it take to maintain your sanity, peace and strength of body and mind not just to survive but to THRIVE? Building emotional resilience...
Shale Play Update June 2020
Bakken Shale – North Dakota/MontanaThe May 15 Bakken rig count stood at 17, down from 52 in early March.During its May 11 earnings call, big Bakken pioneer Continental Resources told investors that it was cutting its May production levels by 70% due to depressed prices and low demand.Hess Corp....
Economy After COVID-19
Over the past few decades, fiction writers and filmmakers have amassed an impressive array of apocryphal predictions, some not unlike the current coronavirus outbreak. In “Contagion,” Oscar-winner Steven Soderbergh presciently outlined a series of events bearing resemblance to COVID-19. Though the severity of the virus in the movie exhibited...
A Time for Boosting Immune Health: Can Probiotics Help?
Most people are experiencing uncharted territory during this unsettling time of industry insecurity and economic instability. Even further troubling is how these stressors catalyze havoc on our bodies. While social distancing guidelines can go a long way toward protecting us from contracting COVID-19 or any infectious disease, keeping our...
A Strong Employer Brand and Values Alignment Are Key To Attracting Millenials
As the digital revolution continues and boomers in the energy sector prepare to retire, the race to stay ahead of your competitors in the war for talent has never been more heated. Where recruiting top talent is already seen as a challenge, utility companies can find themselves fighting against...
Energy Dominance Dumbinance
In light of Saudi Arabia’s and Russia’s current attempts, as well as those of their corporate and government-sponsored accomplices, to kill the American oil and gas industry, it’s important for Americans to be reminded of — or be told about for the first time — what their home-grown energy...
The Texas Railroad Commission on April 14, 2020, had a hearing on prorationing. As of writing this article, no decision had been issued by the commission. For those who are very interested in this topic, I encourage you to go to the commissions’ website and watch the hearing and...