Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for September 5, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:

Hurricanes do that.: Baker Hughes pegs U.S. oil-rig count as unchanged, but Hurricane Harvey clouds data 

Good stuff here: Oil Demand Is Growing Nearly Everywhere via @forbes

Good news for everyone here.: Colonial Pipeline restarts pumping on distillates line from Houston 

No surprise in either case.: US crude prices rise on returning refineries, but gasoline slumps to pre-Harvey levels 

Gonna be a long few weeks.: 7 Gulf Coast refineries begin weeks of reboot; 9 still offline  via @houstonchron

Very cool.: Ship traffic could resume Tuesday at Port Arthur, Texas: U.S. Coast Guard

Bad deal.: ExxonMobil says has flooding in part of Beaumont plant 

Returning to normalcy.:  Oil and gas workers reboard offshore rigs in Gulf of Mexico  via @HoustonChron

Those would be the forecasts on @CNN.: National Weather Service warns against ‘fake forecasts’ 

Futile gestures…: Abbott urges calm at gas stations: ‘Don’t worry, we will not run out’  via @expressnews

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyep.: Storm’s Impact on Oil Industry Is Felt at Gasoline Pumps 

Awesome.: Occidental ships first crude cargo from Corpus Christi after Harvey 

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas


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