Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for September 21, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:
Well, that sucks.: Oil dips on rising US crude inventories and production
Yyyyyyyyyep. An early test.: Solar Tariff Case Challenges President Trump’s ‘Energy Dominance’ Agenda via @forbes
Why not just stop at “Alarmed”? They always are.: Enviros Alarmed At Hydrocarbon Releases During Harvey
Unfortunate.: Hurricane Harvey delays parts of Chevron Phillips petrochemical expansion
Great info here.: Eagle Ford Earns its Place as U.S.’s No. 2 Oil Basin
Really big words, but it’s not the size that counts.: Two Big Words Show Why U.S. Oil May Finally Be Turning a Corner via @markets
When did we start measuring emissions in pounds?: Valero Port Arthur fire released 1 million pounds of emissions
Because hurricane. Simple.: Why There Isn’t Enough Gas To Go Around in Florida
Wow. Big deal here.: Maersk to sell tankers business for $1.17 billion via @WSJ
…as birds cower in fear…: GE Renewable Energy Unveils Largest Onshore Wind Turbine via @CleanTechnica
Well, that ain’t good.: Houston FEMA flood map missed 75 percent of flood damages, says new study @houstonchron
No one could’ve seen that coming. Oh, wait…: Climate change not as threatening to planet as previously thought
That’s all for today. Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas