Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for August 22, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:


Always looking for signs.: Oil prices steady as traders await further signs of market tightening 

International influence.: Most new Permian oil likely to be exported from Houston, Corpus Christi  @houstonchron

The price of abundance.: US Fracking Keeps Pushing Oil Price Forecasts Down  via @dailycaller

That’s how the cycle goes.: Wall Street loves fracking. But some oil companies see profits in old-school wells

The dumbest thing you will read today.  Trust me.: Wind and solar power are saving astounding amount of money via @voxdotcom

Ok, maybe THIS is the dumbest thing you will read today.  So much stupid, so little time.: Why isn’t local media covering the Clean Power Plan? 

Good call.: After warship collision, Navy calls for review of incidents in the Pacific 

Tell us something we didn’t already know.: U.S. national monument review to test key land protection law 

We’ve seen this header about 2,000 times before.: An energy storage breakthrough that could power the future. 

So much propaganda, so little time.: Any way the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to Vestas  via @gadfly

Strategery.: As U.S. exports gas to Europe, Russia digs in  via @WSJ

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas


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