Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for March 30, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed (that’s me):
More innovation from an industry for which constant innovation is the key to survival.: The DNA of oil wells: U.S. shale enlists genetics to boost output via @Reuters
Capacity needed. #GodBlessTexas.: Two New Refineries Planned in Texas
We have seen this tale before.: #Oil and #gas expansion to continue as break-even prices fall via @newsjournal
Good info here.: Hilcorp aims to do things right in Alaska #oil #gas #energy #pipelines
Steady is not really great.: Oil steady on Libya disruptions, bloated US stockpiles #oil #energy #fracking
Smart.: Land Swaps Let Permian Drillers Expand Shale Wells on the Cheap via @markets
It generally is.: #Oil expert: Summer demand will be key to industry’s performance via @expressnews
Well, that’s a big deal.: ConocoPhillips to sell Canadian assets for $13.3 billion
Jobs, jobs, jobs.: #Texas drilling, oil field hiring accelerates in first quarter via @HoustonChron
#Fracking says, “You’re welcome!”: Broad gains elevated Texas economic activity via @mySA
Good piece here.: Guest Columnist: The Other End of the Trans-Pecos Pipeline via @epheraldpost
Good to know.: Why deep-water oil rigs are coming back to work: Wood Mackenzie
That’s all for today. Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas.
Photo Credit: Raven Petroleum