Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for February 26, 2018, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:

Status quo.: Texas adds 3 rigs as US rig count increases to 978  via @newsminer

No shame in opposing a massive boondoggle.: Why I Oppose the Texas High-Speed Rail  via @tweetmeme

Cool!: Schlumberger and Subsea 7 plan new joint venture  via @HoustonChron

Wild rides are just part of the business.: LNG in for wild ride until China builds storage via @houstonchron

#ClimateScam op/ed of the day.: ExxonMobil may be in climate denial, but its investors shouldn’t be 

Filling a big need.: ETP to spend more in 2018 to advance key natural gas, NGL pipeline projects – Natural Gas | Platts News Article & Story

Another Obama-appointed scofflaw judge.: Judge suspends construction of Louisiana oil pipeline  via @WSJ

It’s a good bet.: Apache Corp. looks beyond U.S., but bets heavy on shale  via @crudeoilprices

No surprise here.: Houston chemical firms Huntsman, LyondellBasell giving back to investors  via @houstonchron

This problem has a name, and that name is Andrew Cuomo.: New England has aggressive renewable energy goals and problems meeting its current electricity needs. So why is it so hard to build energy infrastructure there?  via @WSJ

Seems like pretty prime solar real estate, huh?: Solar company investing in Permian Basin  via @OdessaAmerican

Why yes, yes it is.: Rick Perry touts Trump’s energy agenda, saying the U.S. is ‘exporting freedom’ 

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas Today.

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