Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for October 5, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:

Yyyyyyyyep.: Capital Flow To The Permian Basin Hasn’t Dried Up; It Has Moved Downstream via @forbes

Preying on the devastated. Mercy.: Renewable energy investors see opportunity in Puerto Rico’s demolished grid 

Cool.: Oil prices tick higher as talk of extended output cuts offsets booming US crude exports

Positive signs.: U.S. crude stocks fall as exports hit new record: EIA 

#Resilience.: Upstream oil, gas industry sees little lasting impacts from Hurricane Harvey

Good luck with that.: Multinational oil trio to create carbon capture project  via @HoustonChron

Good analysis here:  6 Oil Companies That Might Follow Anadarko’s Move To Boost Shareholder Value via @forbes

Today’s smelly load of horse manure: At $50 a barrel, billions in tax breaks keep many oil projects profitable 

Here we go again.: Panel weighs changes to pricing in the state’s electricity market 

Cow flatulence becomes a gassy issue.: Cattle behind unexplained surge in methane emissions, US study finds 

And well is should be.: Alaska set to be the centerpiece of Trump’s ‘energy dominance’ plan — via @dailycaller

Good.: Trump begins repeal of Obama power plant emission cuts  via @bpolitics

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas Today.


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