Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for October 31, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:
Get ‘er done.: Saudi Crown Prince says Kingdom ready to extend production cuts via @WSJ
True.: Perry’s Plan Would Subsidize Coal And Nuclear Power – But It Wouldn’t Apply To Texas
But how long will it last?: Oil prices near two-year highs as supply cuts bite
Higher prices will do that for you.: Struggling offshore sector shows glimmers of life via @HoustonChron
They’ve been doing so for decades.: Global oil companies invest in low-emission technologies via @axios
Probably so.: Higher oil prices could end post-Harvey slide in gasoline price via @houstonchron
Okaaaaaayyyyy…: Some Big Oil companies are having a better recovery than others via @gadfly
Yyyyyyyyyyyep.: Rising US energy exports could prompt seismic shift in Asian market- Nikkei Asian Review
Big deal here.: Vistra to buy Dynegy in $1.7 billion Texas power producer deal
America loves reliability.: Wall Street loves electric cars, America loves trucks via @YahooNews
#GodBlessTexas.: State Demands Gas Stations Pay up for Harvey Price Gouging
Energy Dominance in action.: OPEC who? US oil producers are moving into the Asian market
That’s all for today. Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas Today.