The Climate Change Debate: There Isn’t One


The term “climate change,” in the widest possible sense, is simply the changing of the climate. “Climate” refers to the weather conditions of an area in general or over a long period of time. Is the world’s climate changing? Yes. Has it been changing since day one? Yes. Is it ever going to stop changing? No. Even though it is extremely unlikely that there is one population, place or thing responsible for the changes the earth has always gone through, the question of our time seems to always be: Who can we blame?

Answering the call

Caring about the environment and humankind’s effect upon it is not new. Technology, especially in the United States, has been and will continue to be beneficial in lessening that impact. But that doesn’t seem to be enough for the now radicalized environmentalists around the globe. Science and history are being shunted aside to better further the cause of climate change alarmism. “Scientific” prediction models are being constructed without historical data, or with historical data that has been altered. Scientists and others who ask relevant questions and raise relevant concerns about the runaway climate predictions and their proposed solutions are losing their jobs and academic credibility. They are called deniers and skeptics, but they would gladly open a dialog with climate change alarmists. Unfortunately, those alarmists keep sending that call to voicemail. It seems either you jump on the climate catastrophe bandwagon, or you are ignored.

It’s all or nothing

Everything from the climate alarmist’s standpoint is black and white, there are no shades of grey. If it is made by humans or it is added to the environment by humans, it is bad. This is the very thought process that led Patrick Moore – one of the founders of Greenpeace – to leave the organization. He says the last straw came for him when Greenpeace declared chlorine to be “the devil’s element.” Chlorine, he points out, is one of the greatest advances in public health, ever. When conditions are made more hygienic and countless lives are saved from illness and death, how can that be evil?

Does there have to be an enemy?

It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment humans became the ultimate enemy of the planet in the eyes of environmental activists. But it’s quite obvious this is now the case. Why else would they march in protest to remove every modern advancement made possible by fossil fuels? Ease of travel, essential hospital equipment, reliable electricity for heating, cooling, food storage and preparation: these are the things they claim are killing the earth, and that they want taken away? 

Show me the money

An open and honest exchange of unaltered information would be a nice thing. But the business of climate change is a big, big business. Governments are spending billions on so-called climate science. Funding and donations pour in daily. Following the money of climate change is not an easy job, but it is one well worth pursuing. You might be surprised where it comes from and where it goes.


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