Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for May 4, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:


Well…yeah.: Oil forecast to fall sharply if OPEC doesn’t extend production cuts  via @WSJ

Ok, sure, you betcha.: New virtual ‘bilur’ currency, tied to oil, takes aim at bitcoin  via @yahoosg

Who’da thunk it?: In a Twist, Snow Is Keeping Natural Gas Prices Down in Texas  via @climate

#Innovation.: BP: 3-D technology to save millions of dollars 

“Well, the race is on and here comes Pride on the back stretch…”: Race for West Texas Gas Pipelines Heats Up 

#GodBlessTexas.: Despite oil slump, an upbeat view of Houston’s job prospects  via @HoustonChron

And well they should.: East Texas energy industry feeling upbeat  via @newsjournal

Better late than never.: Mexico poised for belated energy growth from deepwater to gas stations 

Opportunity for U.S. LNG?: Australia To Restrict Energy Exports In Face Of Looming Natural Gas Shortage 

Good ‘ol NPR: Always catching up to 5 years ago.: Study: Oil companies should reuse wastewater produced by fracking 

A press release Elon Musk won’t like, finally.: SEC probing Tesla’s SolarCity divsion and Sunrun

Hint: Not in America.: Where the Arctic oil industry is booming  via @climate

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas.


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