Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for October 17, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:
Whatever works.: Oil prices rise on tighter US market, Middle East tensions
Well, that would not be a good thing.: No Aramco IPO May Mean No More Oil Rally via @WSJ
‘Cuz it’s cheap.: Complaints to Texas PUC about electricity providers drops to deregulation-era low @dallasnews
No, it really isn’t.: ‘This is the future’: solar-powered family car hailed by experts
Cool.: Valero awarded $157M fuel contract for Israel via @upi
#Progress.: Exxon Mobil fires up huge new Texas plant just two months after Harvey hit the Gulf CoastÂ
#GodBlessTexas.: Permian petroleum industry remains on the rise via @mwtnews
#Innovation.: Straightening out the kinks in hydraulic fracturing technology (via
#GodBlessLouisiana: An old fracking hot spot makes a comeback via @WSJ
Access to markets is a good thing.: Record U.S. oil exports set to surge further: MercuriaÂ
True story.: Studies show hydraulic fracturing is safe – in Texas and all over the country via @mwtnews
The handwriting on the wall.: Coal Struggles In Texas, Despite Pro-Coal AdministrationÂ
That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas Today.