If you want to understand what’s happening in the world, and specifically, the world of energy, one needs only to watch what elites do as opposed to what they say. By this, I’m not talking about their hypocrisy. We do far too much of that, which accomplishes precisely nothing. This is because elites are proud of their hypocrisy; it demonstrates they are so important as to be above the rules. Focusing on it simply throws us off the real scent, which is one of implicit corruption. It is endemic throughout the world’s ruling class, and that’s what we need to understand and defeat if we want the benefits of shale gas to be fully enjoyed.

There is a fascinating example of what I’m talking about. It is a report from a foreign group called Reclaim Finance. It is all about what big banks are doing, as opposed to what they’re saying about global warming. It is the work of extremists who say this is their mission:

Reclaim Finance was founded in March 2020 with one simple mission: making finance work for the climate. Since then, we have grown from strength to strength, expanding our team as we strive to shift the world’s largest financial institutions away from fossil fuels… 

Our team, directed by Goldman prize winner Lucie Pinson, has backgrounds in a variety of sectors – such as finance, public administration, non-profits and law – and is united by our desire for a financial system working for people and the planet. Headquartered in Paris, we have employees around the world from London to California.

Our staff team is supported by an experienced Board of Directors, who have together spent more than 60 years working in NGOs on environmental and climate finance issues.

Notice the emphasis on “climate finance.” While the goal is conveyed superficially as one of denying capital for exploration and development of shale gas and other fossil fuels, there is already the implicit intention to finance “green energy” replacements. That is to say, Reclaim Finance is part of the plan for someone — namely elites — to rob trillions in green rent from ratepayers and taxpayers, using big banks to finance the thievery for big returns themselves.

Who is paying for this? The answer, as usual, is behind several doors. Reclaim Finance, and the report itself, was financed by private foundations, including one called the Sunrise Foundation. A quick visit to its website and its annual reports shows it is, in turn, funded by a third NGO called the Oak Foundation. It has funded, in a big way, organizations such as Rockefeller Philanthropies, 350.org (another Rockefeller outfit), the Duke University Nicholas School (producer of anti-fracking junk science), the NRDC (more Rockefeller), the Energy Foundation (majorly funded by solar investor Nat Simons) and Tides (Teresa Heinz Kerry’s non-profit political money laundering operation). Every one of these is anti-fracking.

But, that’s not the most important thing here. These two items from Influence Watch‘s report are what are really significant:

In 2018, Oak gave $1 million to ClimateWorks Foundation “to support the greening of the Belt and Road Initiative,” a global trade infrastructure project pushed by Chinese leader Xi Jinping to link the communist country with the rest of Eurasia. Oak Foundation has also given grants to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Global Environmental Institute in support of Belt and Road-related activities. 

British-born businessman Alan M. Parker, currently living in Geneva, Switzerland with an estimated net worth of about $2 billion, is the founder and main funder of the Oak Foundation. He was an accountant and key early partner of the Hong Kong-based firm Duty Free Shoppers (today DFS Group) which retails luxury goods in major airports and resorts worldwide. Parker eventually became the CFO of the DFS Group as well as its third-largest shareholder.

The Oak Foundation, in other words, has been closely allied with the Chinese Communist Party and Parker is a big-time investor. He is, in fact, the big guy behind the Brunswick Group, which has a very specific agenda. Consider these excerpts from his writing, which emphasizes “evolving ESG metrics.”

As a revolution it is interesting because it is not just bottom-up; there are pitchforks in the hands of the aristocrats as well… 

Politicians are seen not to have delivered solutions on climate change or the environment… 

The focus is naturally turning to the people who are seen to have vast resources and great competence to deliver…

Much of this shift has started quite recently but already Milton Friedman’s free enterprise philosophy looks quite outdated in a world of cataclysmic climate change…

There seems no doubt that the new order of stakeholder capitalism is here to stay.

This plays out in very different ways in different parts of the world. European capitalism is still different from the UK, American or Asian capitalism, and now the new Chinese capitalism is a major factor in all our lives. All of which now have to be factored in, and all of which keep moving.

In several markets, we are already seeing a response to the scale of business and its social influence. In the tech sector, the politicians and regulators are challenging the major platforms, not just on their market dominance but their role in being the guardians of the internet, a role the regulators feel that they should play. In the same way, we are seeing increasing legislation on producer responsibilities, so self-regulation and [the] neo-liberal views of Friedrich Hayek are clearly on the wane. So business is now also seeing the arc of popular sentiment playing out in the increasing activism of its staff, its regulators and the whole raft of its stakeholders.

So the call has moved beyond individual company change, to addressing broader issues in society and, in many cases, systemic change. The actions of many leading companies are showing what is possible. 

Businesses have visibly risen to many challenges; through the pandemic, we have seen how agile and effective corporate engagement can be. It has responded on many fronts with inspiring examples of creativity and positive action. We are seeing that business, at its best, is one of the greatest forces for progress on the planet. But we have to be at our best to meet today’s challenges. In many cases, this means urgent action. The call for climate action is no longer about setting out plans for 2030, it is about what can you do by 2030.

It is an absolutely amazing essay on corporatism and globalism by someone who plainly rejects the laws of economics in favor of political control by big banks and other rich elites; in other words himself. He’s a wannabe emperor who, from the perch of big business, wants to control the state and, with it, all of us. He wants a merger of big business and the state. He’s the Great Reset personified, another Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates if you will. He wants to rule with China’s Xi at his side, both hoping to exploit the other until the tragic divorce takes place. Better that we understand and defeat both now.


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