Congressman Michael Cloud Talks About the 27th District and DC Politics During COVID-19

In this episode of the In the Oil Patch Radio Show, Kym Bolado and Sean Strawbridge interview Congressman Michael Cloud, who represents the 27th District of Texas. The discussion covers a wide range of topics, including the district’s economy, DC politics during COVID-19, and the future of America.

Serving the 27th District of Texas – An Overview

Congressman Cloud describes the 27th District of Texas as a wonderful place with a diverse economy. The district is home to a significant agriculture, energy, and chemical industries, and it’s a net-export district. The congressman believes that the district is a microcosm of where the nation should be heading in terms of working together and putting priorities first.

Net-export District and a Diverse Economy

The 27th District of Texas is a net-export district, meaning that it exports more goods and services than it imports. Congressman Cloud emphasizes the importance of this fact in the context of the national economy.

The Microcosm of the 27th District

Congressman Cloud believes that the 27th District of Texas is a microcosm of where the nation should be heading in terms of working together and putting priorities first. He points out that people in the district are able to work across the aisle when necessary and collaborate to get things done.

Working Together as a Testimony to the People of the District and an Example for the Nation

Congressman Cloud believes that the ability of people in the 27th District to work together and put priorities first is a testament to the people of the district and an example for the nation. He hopes that other parts of the country can follow this example.

Congressman Cloud’s Insights on DC Politics During COVID-19

Congressman Cloud provides his insights on the current state of DC politics during COVID-19. He notes that DC is currently dysfunctional and even petty in terms of leadership. Despite this, he’s been able to collaborate with counterparts across the aisle and introduce legislation with bipartisan support.

The Current Tone in DC and Dysfunctionality

Congressman Cloud describes the current tone in DC as dysfunctional and even petty. He believes that the leadership is not doing what’s best for the American people and is instead focused on manipulating the conversation.

Collaborating Across the Aisle Despite the Challenges

Despite the challenges in DC, Congressman Cloud has been able to collaborate with counterparts across the aisle and introduce legislation with bipartisan support. He believes that it’s important to work together and put priorities first, even when there are disagreements.

Congressman Cloud’s Perspective on America’s Future

Congressman Cloud provides his perspective on the future of America. He believes that the 27th District of Texas is a microcosm of where the nation should be heading in terms of working together and putting priorities first. He hopes that other parts of the country can follow this example and that the nation can move forward together.