Redfish Roundup Jan Feb 2019
On Oct. 27, 2018, ConocoPhillips hosted the Eagle Ford Relay for Life Committee’s Fourth Annual Redfish Round-Up to raise funds for the American Cancer Society and cancer patients in our surrounding area. The 2018 event featured 42 teams, 21 event sponsors and a raffle prize. This year’s event raised...
Anyone can make a New Year’s resolution. How many of us can actually keep one though? Food for thought — maybe we should resolve ourselves to make minor changes over time instead of a couple drastic maneuvers on Jan. 1. Maybe if we resolve to make a few small changes...
Advancing Technology Oilfield Jan Feb 2019
A series of very remarkable factoids about the U.S. oil and gas industry have come to light in the past few months. Among those are: • U.S. reserves for both oil and natural gas reached all-time record highs in November; • The U.S. actually became a net exporter of petroleum liquids...
SHALE Map Jan Feb 2019
A new analysis of the nation’s major shale gas plays has revealed that the amount of natural gas that can be technically recovered from future well locations has increased by 20 percent compared with an estimate made about five years ago, even while active drilling has depleted the resource....
Water Drop
This January, as many Texans recover from the holidays and gaze into what some folks call winter here, members of the Texas Legislature will gather in Austin to be sworn in for the 86th legislative session. The Texas Legislature is charged with meeting for only 140 days every two...
STEER recognizes those going above and beyond in the Eagle Ford Shale The South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER) honored Energy Waste, Cheniere Energy, Resirkulere, CPS Energy, EcoVapor Recovery Systems, OmniTRAX, CASA of Bee, Live Oak and McMullen Counties and the George West Education Foundation as the recipients of...
XIMG 8972
The San Antonio Pipeliners Association (SAPA) hosted the seventh annual Midstream Classic, a scholarship fundraising event Nov. 16 at the Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club. The event had a great turnout, including over 30 event sponsors. photos courtesy of shale
king permian pic

King Permian

Happy 2019! The shale revolution, marked by the harmonic convergence of horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing and an endless supply of oil and natural gas naturally present in the United States, has not only demonstrated incredible staying power, but it has also ushered in nothing short of a geopolitical realignment...