Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for November 1, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:

It’s been a long time since we saw $55 WTI.: Oil hits highest since mid-2015 as OPEC sticks to supply deal  

Potential big deal here.: LyondellBasell Makes Takeover Approach to Braskem  via @WSJ

#Innovation.: Oil company to try unique idea for enhanced oil recovery 

Long past time for this.: Pipeline builders’ group starts “incident database” to track protests  via @ncpolicywatch

Bad headline, interesting analysis.: What has fracking done to our air quality?  via @HoustonChron

Footing is good.: BP to restart share buybacks as oil industry regains footing  via @WSJ

So why stay in the bad deal?: UN environment chief: US likely to live up to Paris accord  via @HoustonChron

A debate that needs to be had.: Power Producers in High Energy Debate on Subsidies 

Why yes, yes it does.: America’s Solar Industry Deserves To Choose Its Own Path For Growth via @forbes

Guess what – Exxon’s right.: The way Exxon sees it, only 6 percent of vehicles would be electric in 2040 

Only surprising to the lefties at the HuffPo.: The surprising story of Republican towns going green  via @HuffPostImpact

That’s all for today.  Check back in tomorrow for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas Today.


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