Here are the Top Dozen Oil & Gas stories for April 28, 2017, taken directly from the @GDBlackmon Twitter Feed:
#Superbasin: EIA: Permian Basin Oil Production and Resource Assessments Continue to Increase
Good piece here.: Riegel: How Louisiana lost a $10 billion plant
Why yes, yes they do.: President Trump’s First 100 Days In Oil And Gas: Elections Really Do Matter via @forbes #trump #epa #fracking
Yes, but how long will it last?: US shale regains strength amid OPEC cuts – OilVoice
Hope springs eternal.: Oil rebounds from one-month low on hopes for output cut extension
Fantastic.: Poland signs first deal to buy natural gas from US supplier via @HoustonChron
Good question.: If Venezuela Falls, Will Oil Rise? via @forbes
Self-inflicted wounds.: Saudis Seen Losing Market Share to Iran, Iraq on Oil Cuts via @markets
You got a problem with that?: Texas Senate okays Kelcy Warren’s seat at Parks & Wildlife
Good analysis.: Trump aims to lift Obama’s offshore drilling limits. This is how he could do it
Bigly.: A New Direction For Regulation In President Trump’s First 100 Days via @forbes
Great idea – how can we help?: Trump order may seek to reverse offshore drilling ban via @crudeoilprices
That’s all for today. Check back in on Monday for another dozen Things You Need To Know In Oil And Gas.