“We are a world energy leader, and we must include and expand the participation of underserved communities across the energy landscape. Equity in Energy’s Ambassadors and Champions can open the door to a future that is filled with opportunity and promise,” said Secretary Dan Brouillette. On August 20, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) announced its first group of Equity in Energy Ambassadors and Champions. These individuals are appointed by the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity, and they will serve two-year terms.
The Ambassadors, individuals from academia, energy companies and community organizations, will actively share current information about the Equity in Energy initiative with their networks. As ambassadors, they will also attend Equity in Energy events to speak out about the importance of diversity in the energy field.
The first round of Equity in Energy Ambassadors are:
- Dr. Roslyn Artis, President, Benedict College
- Julian Canete, Chairman, California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce
- Gary ‘Litefoot’ Davis, Executive Director, Native American Financial Services Association
- Emily M. Dickens, J.D. Corporate Secretary, Chief of Staff, and Head, Government Affairs, Society for Human Resource Management
- Thomas Dortch, Chairman, 100 Black Men of America
- Dr. Antonio R. Flores, President, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- Robert W. Gee, President & Board Member, Asian Americans in Energy, the Environment and Commerce
- Dr. Pandwe Gibson, President and Founder, EcoTech Visions
- Michelle L. Holiday, President, Michelle Holiday & Associates
- Abigail Ross Hopper, President and CEO, Solar Energy Industries Association
- Bill Koetzle, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs, American Petroleum Institute
- Anthony Livanios, Founder, U.S. Energy Stream
- Janette Marx, CEO, Airswift
- Katie Mehnert, CEO, Pink Petro and Experience Energy
- José Pérez, President & CEO, Hispanics in Energy
- Gil C. Quiniones, President and CEO, New York Power Authority
- Tony F. Sanchez III, Executive Vice President, Business Development and External Relations, NV Energy
- J. Michael Treviño, Principal, Treviño & Company
- Brian L. Wolff, Executive Vice President, Public Policy and External Affairs, Edison Electric Institute
- Andrea Korney, Vice President of Sustainability, Frostbyte Consulting
The Equity in Energy Champions are DOE leaders who will evaluate their portfolios to ensure everything is being done to provide outreach, support and full accessibility for all. Their goal is expanding the rate of minorities, women, veterans and formerly incarcerated people in energy jobs, energy procurement and energy accessibility. The DOE and the Office of Economic Impact and Diversity feel these communities are often underserved when it comes to receiving information about the energy economy and accessing affordable energy.
The first round of Equity in Energy Champions are:
- Nick Andersen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration, Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
- Dr. Rita Baranwal, Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy
- Dr. Chris Fall, Director, Office of Science
- Kevin R. Frost, Director, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
- Cheryl Ingstad, Director, Office of Artificial Intelligence
- Conner Prochaska, Chief Commercialization Officer, Office of Technology Transitions
- Daniel R. Simmons, Assistant Secretary, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
- Charles R. Smith, Director, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
- Steven Winberg, Assistant Secretary, Office of Fossil Energy