China: Two Roads Diverged in a Polluted Wood I couldn't help noticing this every interesting tweet from Bloomberg News yesterday, because who could have ever guessed that carbon dioxide, that supposed bane of our existence that the climate alarm lobby assures us is going to burn down the world in the next - what is it now...
SHALE Magazine · ITOP - Episode 274- Michael Shellenberger Best Of 12 - 27 - 20 PodcastMichael is a Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment," Green Book Award winner, and the founder and president of Environmental Progress. His latest book, Apocalypse Never," is currently available and has been praised...
Managing Solar and Storage Global Supply Chains in the Age of COVID-19
While China publicizes its attempt to shrink its carbon footprint, the largest solar company on the globe, Longi Green Energy Technology Company, registered to enter the hydrogen fuel market world. Committed to success, the company will operate as Xi’an Longi Hydrogen Technology Company. Having founded Longi, the company’s president, Li...
bigstock Oil And Gas Industry Refiner 41191342
While progressive states like California have zeroed in on preventing the use of natural gas in new construction projects, Florida has attempted to take a proactive approach in the matter. The Legislature introduced a bill that would prevent that from ever happening in the state of sun and sand....
The oilfield needs to buy value, not widgets
The oil and gas (O&G) industry is going through a rough patch, yet again. First, the supply versus demand game of cat and mouse in the open market pushed the industry through several up and down cycles. Then, as if it were not complicated enough, the coronavirus pandemic broke...
Federal Appellate Court Halts Mountain Valley Construction Pipeline Construction
In a summons of the modern-day militiamen of oil and gas, the AG’s of 21 individual states banded together to land one monumental blow against Biden and his administration. Responding to the devastating repeal of the Keystone XL Pipeline’s permit, the group of legal minds targeted the president and...
PennEast Pipeline
The PennEast Pipeline Mirroring the sentiment that the weather in the South can change in just an hour, the Biden administration recently backed the Penneast pipeline and deviated from its usual climate-first approach. The Penneast pipeline is a $1 billion natural gas pipeline. Shocking spectators from both sides of the oil...
ONE Future Pursues One Goal
Waking the sleeping giant, the Biden administration and card-carrying democrats have decided to redirect attention from the coal sector and channel it fully on the oil and gas industry, all in the name of climate change. Having once been the major source of power generation for decades, coal faltered...
After making a smaller offer a month ago, Chevron publicized a plan to buy the Noble Midstream Partners LP shares it does not currently own. With a price tag of $1.32 billion, the deal’s architecture directs 0.1393 Chevron shares to Noble Midstream’s unitholders. In an offer announced in February, Chevron...
Some Reasons for Optimism at the End of a Troubling Year
The history of the oil and gas business in the United States is that every time the “experts” all line up to declare it to be dead, it finds a way to come roaring back. This scenario has played itself out at least half a dozen times across my...