Trying Times

Much has been written about how the COVID-19 pandemic and our response to it has changed our everyday lives. We could all name things that were either unheard of or perceived to be unnecessary services and technology before COVID that are now commonplace, and in some cases, indispensable parts...
Tax Plan Featured
Americans are finally getting a glimpse of the economic impact from passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) made a substantial last-minute “manager’s amendment” to the Senate plan, reducing the publicly traded partnerships’ tax cut from 35 percent to 21 percent, which...
The United States is considering banning gas stoves
The United States is considering banning gas stoves due to concerns over indoor pollution, which has been said to cause high asthma rates in children. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)  raised concerns over the “hidden hazard” of owning a gas stove last month, causing many across the...
This week, in a huge turn of events, the United Kingdom said it would be lifting its ban on fracking for shale gas to improve its energy security by increasing production, as Europe faces a major energy crisis. But, for many, this move is a giant step backward in...
The massively bloated Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is set to be voted on by the end of the week. With democratic holdouts like Manchin suddenly jumping onboard, there seems to be a chance the bill makes it through the Senate. However, with an agenda as diverse as the Village...
oil and gas
We are living at a time when our ability to provide our own domestic energy supply has literally put us in the position of energy dominance, if not outright independence. Not only are we now producing enough oil and gas for our own domestic needs, but we have enough...
COVID, Cloudy Days and Chicken Fried Steak
COVID-19 has been a huge disruption to our lives as well as to the economy.   The disruption of demand caused oil prices to drop precipitously, even below zero for a short period, a historic collapse in pricing. The ramifications of this collapse to the economies of Texas and other...
The Inflation Reduction Act
In late August, Senators Schumer and Manchin announced an agreement on a massive bill titled the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) — a slimmed-down version of the Build Back Better (BBB) bill Democrats had been negotiating since President Biden took office. The primary focus of the tax incentives in the...
gas natural
The National Climate Assessment is the latest in a series of reports that has thrust climate change into the public spotlight — and added to the intensity of calls for a carbon tax. This brief article will illustrate first the arguments put forth by advocates for the carbon tax...
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), recently signed into law by President Biden, is a wide-reaching piece of legislation that includes the largest climate investment ever made by Congress. With $369 billion allocated for cutting emissions, developing clean energy technology, and advancing environmental initiatives, the IRA is projected to reduce...