Mushroom Barley Soup: Turkey, Chicken, Beef or Vegetarian
Recipe for Turkey Mushroom Soup and Barley Soup While “Deep Flavors” is a kosher-style cookbook, the recipes are eclectic, Tex/Mex to Cajun to Jewish soul food, to French, etc. This recipe of Turkey Mushroom Soup is just one example, derived from a soup that my grandmother and Mom made, strongly...
beneficial reuse
There’s nothing like shale for resiliency. It has, time and again, prevailed over supposed deaths of its future. Indeed, from the very moment of its initial success, supposed “experts” have been predicting it was but a passing fad, a money pit or a disaster waiting to happen. Ian Urbina...
The Impact of Data-driven, Automated Drones on the Oil and Gas Industry
The business impact and long-lasting benefits drones offer have put them on a clear path to becoming an industry standard. Automated drones have been tapped as one of the next game-changing innovations for the oil and gas industry, largely because of the substantial cost savings they offer. Additionally, drone...
Proposed DOL Guidance Broadens Definition of Independent Contractors for Oil and Gas Employers
The DOL’s Proposed Rule: Broadening Workers’ Classification as Independent Contractors in the Oil and Gas Industry Introduction Independent contractors have long been a mainstay in the oil and gas industry. Given the ebbs and flows of the industry, contractors allow for much-needed flexibility. But, using contractors can sometimes create risk, particularly...
Steps to a Career Change in Difficult Times
Are you one of the scores of hard-working professionals whose career has been disrupted or eliminated? If so, you are on the front end of a career change. Contemplating your unknown future can trigger a flood of emotion. You might be angry, anxious or a little of both. Guess...
COVID, Cloudy Days and Chicken Fried Steak
COVID-19 has been a huge disruption to our lives as well as to the economy.   The disruption of demand caused oil prices to drop precipitously, even below zero for a short period, a historic collapse in pricing. The ramifications of this collapse to the economies of Texas and other...